2023 First Nations Law Awards
On October 16, Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba woman Emily Wooding was named First Nations Junior Law Student of the Year at the 2023 Ngalaya Ball.
Emily is a Yorta Yorta, Wemba Wemba woman from Orange NSW and second year Bachelor of and Bachelor of Laws student at the University of Sydney. Emily volunteers as the First Nations Officer on the Sydney University Law Society.
Reflecting on her receipt of the award, Emily said: "Winning this award has meant a lot to me. To be in a room with dozens of inspiring, talented, and incredible legal professionals and students was incredibly humbling and special. In complete honesty, I did not feel worthy of this award. However, being amongst these incredible people has inspired me to work harder so that I may be even a fraction as incredible as the people in the room on that night."
Emily Wooding (right) accepting her award from Kimberley Peckham of Gilbert + Tobin at the 2023 Ngalaya Ball
Emily was presented her award by Kimberly Peckham of Gilbert + Tobin, sponsor for the 2023 First Nations Junior Law Student of the Year Award.
Emily Wooding celebrates her award with University of Sydney students and colleagues at the 2023 Ngalaya Ball.